Rights users

Who is a right user?

Rights users use and exploit music, film and other productions protected by neighbouring rights. They derive an economic benefit in doing so. Radio and TV channels broadcast music, for example, and increase their audience ratings. Bars, pubs and other public institutions benefit from the playback of artistic performances. Saving films and music on smartphones, computers and other end devices also generates revenue. If you are a rights user, GVL – as a body which manages neighbouring rights of performers and producers – is your partner for all of the above and other secondary exploitations of artistic productions.

One-Stop-Shop: GVL is your partner

GVL is your partner for all of the above and other secondary income streams for artistic performances. This is because it manages the neighbouring rights of performers and producers.

We license artistic productions and offer opportunities for rights users to benefit from the diversity and quality of the productions of our rights holders. In this context, we differentiate between various licensing categories which are shown in the following overview.

Music usage: Termination of two tariffs for public performance

Termination of the tariffs for public performance of radio broadcasts and in-store radio (Tariff R) and for public performance in fitness and health courses (Tariff WR-KS-F).

Both tariffs were terminated vis-à-vis the Federal Association of Music Broadcasters (BVMV) on 31 December 2022. The GVL will have the tariffs reviewed in arbitration proceedings. Without recognising the previous tariff level and in the interest of mutual planning security, the interim, i.e. temporary, continued application of the current tariffs was agreed with the Federal Association of Music Promoters until a legally binding decision is reached. The agreement to exclude the retroactive effect of tariffs set in the future also works in favour of users outside BVMV. The new tariffs set in the future will take effect for all users from the date of the final decision.

Rechte am Repertoire von Außenstehenden

Looking for documents and forms?

Looking for general agreements?


Scope of repertoire

Licensing queries - contacts

The GVL team is happy to help you with any queries on licensing agreements.