

Today, GVL is launching the distribution of the money generated from the extension of the term of protection (Section 79a UrhG) for the usage years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
The GVL Talk on international rights management will take place on 19 April. Kristin Schneider from the International Affairs team gives a preview of the event.
In February, GVL already forwarded international revenues to their entitled recording producers. Now the foreign remuneration for performing artists will follow as planned.
The webchat function on our producer portal label.gvl went online in September 2022. Lothar Münner and Patrick Gross, members of the GVL label support team give insights about how the new channel came into being and what kind of questions they get asked on it.
In January, our new rights administration agreement for performers and producers went online. Here is some background on this by Jenny Hinks and Sina Jantsch.
With a distribution amount of more than EUR 240.9m, GVL draws a first positive conclusion for 2022.
As of now, performers can report their contributions to radio/TV extra formats for 2019.
Our new infographic shows which data is ingested into and processed in GVL databases so that collected licence fees can become remuneration for payouts.

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