Current deadlines & target dates

Current deadlines & target dates

Please be advised that we depend on your contribution registration to distribute renumerations among our rights holder. To submit your contribution registration, please use our performer portal my.gvl.

  Registration deadline Distribution
Sound Recordings with extension
of the term of protection acc.
to §79a UrhG (Repertoire 1963-71)

(more Information):
Was on 31/01/2024 2nd Quarter 2024
Final distribution 2020 Was on 29/02/2024 4th Quarter 2024
Final distribution
Radio/TV extra formats 2020
Was on 30/06/2024 4th Quarter 2024
Initial distribution 2023 & subsequent
distribution 2021-2022
- 3rd Quarter 2024
Final distribution
Radio/TV extra formats 2021
31/12/2024 4th Quarter 2025
Final distribution 2021 31/12/2024 4th Quarter 2025


Please note that we cannot guarantee a verification - and consequently a payout - for constribution registrations that are submitted after the communicated deadline.

Very important! Please understand that, at this time, we cannot commit to provide binding details on the month of the scheduled distribution. We coordinate a multitude of distribution-related steps for our various rights holder groups (performers, producers of sound recordings and event organisers). Since in this process, some of the same resources are required, we cannot exclude that small delays occur beyond the end of the month.


Distribution plan 2024 gvl

Currently planned distributions

Here, you can view our distribution schedule for the current year.