Report contributions as a heir
As an heir or community of heirs, you must also report the contributions of the deceasedperformer. The basis is the notification of the inheritance and an existing management contract.
How do I inform GVL of a legal succession case?
As an heir, you can continue an existing agreement for the assignment and administration of rights with GVL, or sign a completely new agreement. In order to honour your legitimate rights as a legal successor, we require the following documents from you:
- Copy of the certificate of inheritance and/or a certified will
- Copy of the death certificate
- Copy of your ID card or passport
- Your bank details
If there is more than one heir (community of heirs), an authorised representative has to be named. Please use the following form:
Report contributions
If the inheritance has been reported and a Rights administration agreement is signed, you can report your contributions of the deceased performer.
We recommend that you report your contributions as soon as possible, because a partial amount will be paid out to you in the first three years.
You report contributions via the performer portal meine.gvl. What you have to consider when reporting can be found on below.