Our members are the core of our activities. In order to legitimise our daily tasks and decisions in a democratic manner, GVL relies on diverse committees: At the occasion of our rights holders' assembly which is held at least every four years, our members elect their group representatives into the Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly. The Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly takes care that the interests of all our members are adequately considered in the distribution plans. Find out more about our committee structure and the representatives and their duties here.
GVL explains: out committees

Supervisory board
The supervisory board acts on an honorary basis. It has the duty to monitor the activities of the GVL general management. The supervisory board shall report to the Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly at least once a year on its activities.

Dr. Florian Drücke
Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly
Tasks of the Associates and Delegates Assembly
The most important task of the Associates and Delegates Assembly for the beneficiaries is the annual definition of the distribution plans for the distribution of the remuneration received by GVL as well as the definition of the guidelines for grants.
In addition, she supports the ongoing work of GVL critically and sustainably in all relevant areas. The Associates and Delegates Assembly advises the GVL management, taking positions on essential questions of the rights management, the development of revenues and general business.
The Associates and Delegates Assembly meets at least once a year and decides on important framework conditions on behalf of all right owners and GVL members. It decides, for example, on the conditions of use and the tariffs for right users.
Rights Holders' Assembly
The Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly is one of the most important governing bodies of GVL. It acts as a vehicle for 22 delegates, who represent all entitled artists and producers of GVL together with representatives of the associates. The delegates are directly elected from the right holders via a free ballot as part of the Rights’ Holders’ Assembly, which takes place at least every four years. The unisono – German Orchestra Union, Bundesverband Musikindustrie e.V. (Federal Association of the Music Industry, short: BVMI), the Bundesverband Schauspiel e.V. (Federal Acting Association, short: BFFS) and the Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer*Innen e.V. (VUT) are associates of GVL. It is the joint duty of associates and delegates to take major decisions which impact directly on right holders, members and users.
In terms of functionality, the Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly has superseded the Board, the previous representation committee of right holders, in 2017. Based on the new Articles of Association, the number of representatives which are elected into the Rights’ Holders’ Assembly, has increased from 12 in the previous Board to 22 in the new Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly.
The Associates’ Assembly elects a supervisory body which appoints and supervises the GVL management. The Chairperson of the Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly and his/her deputy may participate in the meetings of the supervisory body, based on a resolution.
Managing Directors of GVL are Guido Evers and Dr. Tilo Gerlach. Guido Evers is mainly responsible for the producers’ section, whereas Dr. Tilo Gerlach is mainly in charge of artists. This marriage of diverse right holders’ groups under one roof within a collective management organisation, which forms the basis for a ‘tandem management’, provides the collecting society with a particular strength and more clout to enforce the relevant interests jointly.
The German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) is the external supervisory authority for all collective management organisations, and thus also for GVL.