Online rights administration agreement for sound producers
If you want to assign the fiduciary management of your rights to us, you need to sign an agreement for the assignment and administration of rights. There is no charge for signing an agreement for the assignment and administration of rights with GVL - it's free.
Once you have concluded the contract, you will receive the access data for the producer portal label.gvl. You can enter your repertoire and state which rights you hold in the relevant recordings. GVL receives the necessary information on broadcasts from selected radio and TV stations and can allocate the played recordings based on your information provided in label.gvl. Based on the broadcast minutes of each recording, the relevant annual pay-out is based on the distributable amount available for producers of sound recordings.
We work closely with the German Music Archive (Deutsche Musikarchiv) which observes the statutory mandate to collect and store all music published in Germany. We therefore gladly pass on the request that all labels based in Germany should send the German Music Archive a set of two copies for each of their releases free of charge.
You would like to conclude an agreement for the assignment and administration of rights with GVL?
- Please fill out the web form below.
- You will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail after completion. Your data will then be checked and processed by us.
- If the documentation provided by you is complete, we shall allocate a label code to you. This code serves as a uniquely identifiable indicator for your label.
- Once the contract has been concluded, we will set up access to the producer portal for you. You can then log in to label.gvl with your provided user name and assign a password yourself. On label.gvl you upload your repertoire and indicate which rights you have to the respective recordings.
We can take rights management agreements that reach us in their completed form by 14 September 2025 into consideration for the distribution of sound recordings for the 2021 usage year, provided that the respective repertoire notification is submitted by 10 October 2025 once the agreement has been concluded. We can only conclude agreements that we receive in their completed form after said date retroactively from 2022. In that case, producers of sound recordings will then not receive remuneration with the distribution of sound recordings for the year 2021.