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Website background music and private film productions

Website backround music and private film productions

If you want to use sound recordings as background music on your website, you can purchase the relevant licence from GVL. Here you find all necessary information regarding this license and its correspondent tariff.


Registration website background music

You want to to register background music as a right user of a website to us?

Please use the relevant registration form:

Registration documents for background music on websites (commercial)

Registration documents for background music on websites (non-commercial)



You want to know more about licneces as a user of website background music?

Read the following documents:

Agreement on background music on websites (commercial)

Agreement on background music on websites (non-commercial)


Tariffs website background music

You are looking for tariffs of website background music?

Download the following document:

Tariff background music on websites

Contact website background music

We're happy to help!

Music use in private film productions

In the case of producing non-commercial or private films, a fee must be paid for the use of productions protected by related rights.

Frau Klappe Kacheln

Tariff private film productions

More information in the following document:

Tariff non-commercial or private film productions

Contact film production

We're happy to help!