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Productions without contribution notification

Productions without contribution notification

Pursuant to the VGG (the German Act on Collective Management Organisations or Collecting Societies Act), GVL is obliged to point out productions for which no rights holders have been determined yet or no contribution notifications have been submitted. We therefore provide lists for the respective productions, by media type and usage year in this section.

In order to claim your entitlements and receive the corresponding remuneration, you need to conclude a rights administration agreement first. After that, you can submit your contribution notifications via the my.gvl.de performer portal. Copy or take a note of the production number from the list and search for it in the performer portal. This way, you get the production you were searching for as a direct result.  

Please note: In the course of our data cleansing, it may happen that the production number is no longer traceable because product duplicates have been merged. In that case, please search on the basis of the production title and check whether you have already submitted a notification.

If you have any questions, please contact us at meinegvl@gvl.de and +49 30 48483-677.

Distribution year 2022 (as at 08/11/2024)

Distribution year 2021 (as at 14/11/2023)


Distribution years 2020 to 2016

  • We have removed the lists of productions without participation reports for the years 2020 to 2016, as the respective reporting phases have ended.