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Event organisers

GVL represents event organisers

Are you an organiser of events involving artistic performances? Then read on to see how GVL may be able to assist you

.GVL proudly partners with event organisers to represent their neighbouring rights interests. This mostly involves secondary exploitation rights – mainly remuneration from private copying levies.

Another collective management organisation – Verwertungsgesellschaft Veranstalterrechte mbH (Event Organisers’ Rights) – is responsible when it comes to primary secondary exploitation rights, such as the reproduction, distribution and the broadcasting of live recordings, and online rights. GVL works in joint collaboration with Verwertungsgesellschaft Veranstalterrechte through an agreement with its parent organisation, the Bundesverband der Konzert- und Veranstaltungswirtschaft e.V. (BDKV) (Federal Association of the Concert and Event Industry). 


Do you have a rights administration agreement with GVL yet?

Would you like to submit your contributions to productions?

Steps to getting your remuneration


Enter into a rights administration agreement

Sign an agreement for the assignment and administration of your rights with us.

After you have sent us all documents you will be given access to our meine.gvl portal.


Registration my.gvl

Register via our meine.gvl portal.

After you have entered into a rights administration agreement with us, we will give you access to the artist portal. You can log in to meine.gvl with your contract number and create a password yourself.


Submit your contributions

We recommend that you submit your contributions as soon as possible because you can already receive a partial amount in the first three years.

The full remuneration is paid at the end of the reporting period. This gives you three years for each distribution year to report your broadcasted participations. Everyone involved in a production process can be given sufficient time to report.


Payment of remuneration

We check that the information you provided is complete and correct in order for you to receive remuneration from your contributions.

If your productions were used in the channels evaluated by us, you will receive some remuneration.

My company details have changed - how can I inform you?

Please use the provided form to inform us of any changes to your company details. This ensures that we have all important information and that the right people can receive their remuneration.

Who is not an event organiser?

For GVL’s purposes, a business commissioned by a radio or TV broadcaster to take care of the organisation and operation of an event is not considered an event organiser. Only organisers that carry all the risks and initiate an event can receive the remuneration through GVL.

Frau mit Handy und Kopfhörer tanzt

Private copying, rental and lending

Here you can find information on the modification of the accounting systems for remuneration entitlements from the rights categories of private copying (ZPÜ) and rental and lending, as well as on the Federal Government's reduction of VAT.

How does distribution of remuneration work?

Since the 2010 distribution, we calculate your remuneration based on the use of your productions. You can only receive remuneration if productions in which you were involved as an event organiser are actually used (e.g. broadcast on radio or television).

Enter into a rights administration agreement


transparency report 2022 thumbnail

In addition to our website, we have other publications you can read online or download as a PDF file.

Contacts for event organisers

We're here to help!
You can reach us Mondays to Thursdays between 9 am and 5 pm, and Fridays between 9 am and 2 pm.