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Supplementary distribution made to event organisers for the years 2010 to 2014  

GVL has launched bank transfers of the supplementary distribution for event organisers for the years 2010-2014.

As announced previously, we have carried out the payments of individual amounts of the supplementary distribution for the years 2010 - 2014.  This supplementary distribution comprises monies that have been retroactively paid to GVL from the Zentralstelle für private Überspielungsrechte [Central Collection and Distribution Organisation for Private Copying Levies in Germany (ZPÜ)] and monies from dissolved reserves for these years. The corresponding payout notifications are made available on the portal meine.gvl.

No detailed reports will be provided for this supplementary distribution. The contribution notifications paid out in the distribution years were used as a basis for the calculation of the distributable amounts.

Contacts for event organisers

We're happy to help!
You can reach us Mondays to Thursdays between 9am and 5pm, and Fridays between 9am and 2pm.