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Cultural-political grants

We support cultural diversity

In the course of our cultural promotion measures, the GVL Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly decides on the approval of such applications which need to be put forward submitting a budget plan each year.

Apply for cultural-political grants

Applications for cultural policy grants must be submitted informally by email by 30 September of a calendar year for projects in the following year. As a first step, the application should include the following key data:

  • Project name
  • Name and contact details (e-mail and postal address) of the applicant
  • desired funding amount
  • Implementation period

A description of the project, which also provides information on the cultural policy objectives, should then be provided. A meaningful budget plan must be attached. Please refrain from sending application documents by post.

Please only send us your applications digitally by e-mail to: projektzuwendung@gvl.de


Application guidelines


We take responsibility for the creative industry beyond our distributions - also in the context of our grants. We make up to five per cent of the annual distribution volume available for promotional measures. By means of grants for cultural and social purposes, GVL's rights holders benefit directly on the one hand and indirectly on the other through the promotion of cultural policy projects. Projects that we support include 

Musikrat Logo
Deutscher Musikrat
Deutscher Musikrat

The German Music Council is one of the world's largest umbrella organisations for musicians. It is committed to more than 15 million musicians and represents over 100 organisations and umbrella associations of professional music life. GVL has supported the Music Council since the beginning of its grant funding programme. GVL has supported the German Music Council since 1969 as part of its cultural policy grants.

More information about the German Music Council


Initiative Musik
Initiative Musik

For more than 15 years, GVL has been the main shareholder for the Initiative Musik, the largest German promotional player for pop music and jazz. In this time, Initiative Musik grew to a central institution for the creative sector. On top of more than 10,000 funding approvals for newcomers, musicians, live music clubs and music companies, it has also managed to establish three additional industry awards and played a key role in the practical implementation of the NEUSTART KULTUR relief and future programme.

Mehr Infos: initiative-musik.de



OPUS Klassik
OPUS Klassik

The music prize showcases the broad spectrum of artistic creation and the wonderful diversity of the classical genre. The prize is organised by the Verein zur Förderung der Klassischen Musik e.V. GVL has been a partner of OPUS Klassik since 2019.

More information: opusklassik.de


Deutscher Schauspielpreis
Deutscher Schauspielpreis

The German Acting Award has been presented annually by the Bundesverband Schauspiel e.V. (BFFS) since 2012. As an "award by actors for actors", it honours personalities who have inspired and promoted the art of acting in a special way through their work.  GVL has been a partner of the German Acting Award for several years.

More information: schauspielpreis.com


Young Euro Classic
Young Euro Classic
Young Euro Classic

Young Euro Classic is the festival of the world's best youth orchestras. In over 20 years, it has established itself as an important platform for the next generation of international orchestras. Every summer, various youth orchestras from all over the world perform at Berlin's Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt. GVL is an official partner of the Young Euro Classic and the organising German Association of Friends of European Youth Orchestras.

More information: young-euro-classic.de



You have questions regarding GVL grants?

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