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Direct reproduction

Reproduction school book

GVL licences the reproduction of released sound recordings and video clips in certain areas.

If works protected by neighboring rights are to be used in collections for school or teaching use or in collections for religious use, the so-called “school book tariff” applies.

Registration to the GVL

You have to report the duplication and distribution of published sound recordings or video clips in a collection of teaching and teaching media within the meaning of Section 60b UrhG directly to the GVL.


Please send the following registration form to (in german): finance.schulbuchverlag@gvl.de

Contact for school book licencing

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Contact for billing issues

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DVD reproduction

If works protected by neighobring copyright are saved on DVDs, a tariff applies.

The saving of works protected by neighboring copyright law on storage media of any kind is subject to remuneration. The DVD tariff applies to the duplication and distribution of released sound recordings on physical storage media for previously broadcast television programs that were produced by television broadcasters themselves or on their behalf for their own broadcasting purposes, in which music recordings are used for dramaturgical support.

The report is sent directly to the GVL. Please send your report to: ric@gvl.de 


Contact for DVD licensing

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