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Group assemblies

Group assemblies

At the Right Holders' Assembly, GVL right holders elect their representatives in their group assemblies. In the artist category, one delegate is elected per group assembly (in total 12 delegates), in the producer category, one delegate each in the group assembly for music video clip producers and one delegate each in the group assembly for event organisers as well as eight delegates in the group assembly of producers of sound recordings (in total 10 delegates).

Frau Klappe Kacheln

Group assemblies: Performers

  • Conductors
  • Music directors and artistic producers
  • Instrumental soloists and featured performers (classical music)
  • Instrumental soloists and featured performers (pop music)
  • Solo singers
  • Broadcasters’ ensembles/orchestras (radio symphony orchestras, radio orchestras, radio choirs, Radio big bands)
  • Other orchestras
  • Choir singers and dancers
  • Studio musicians
  • Actors
  • Dubbing actors and artistic performers
  • Directors (except music directors) and authors of music video clips


Kopfhörer Mann

Group assemblies: Producers

  • Music video clip producers
  • Event organisers
  • Producers of sound recordings