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Christian Balcke

Delegate of the category Concert and theatre orchestras

Balcke delegierter

Professional focus

Orchestra musicians

Member of the GuDV / in the Board since


Why did you become a GVL Delegate?

The claims and distribution system of GVL has completely changed in the past few years due to the statutory requirements. As an elected representative, I have been trying to support this process constructively in the interest of and from a perspective of the orchestra musicians that I represent since 2014.

Due to the system changes, many questions have arisen. Of course, I am available as a direct contact to all orchestra/choir representatives, whether these orchestra colleagues are permanently employed or freelancing.

I am happy to be contacted by e-mail or via Instagram (@balcke.christian).

As a representative of your category, what do you support in particular?

The special value of orchestra/choir recordings is beyond question for me and I represent the interests of all orchestras in all GVL budgets.

Furthermore, apart from the constant improvement of the reporting and claims system, the good collections of GVL must be secured going forward. In my opinion, this still includes the internationalisation and equal recognition of the neighbouring rights system as well as the specific configuration of rights arising from the UrhDaG [German Act on the Copyright Liability of Online Content Sharing Service Providers] when it comes to online uses and their further development since 2021.

These objectives are surely political to a degree and exceed the options a Delegate has. I would, however, be grateful if apart from the associations GVL would involve artistic Delegates even more because nobody else can embody the necessity of neighbouring rights better and more credibly than affected performers.


Why is GVL an important organisation in the music and film business?

An orchestra musician is not in the position to manage their secondary exploitation rights effectively without a strong collective management organisation. This arises from his or her co-authorship on the one hand, the fact that it is often not known that a work usage took place, but also from the unequal balance of forces.

In this respect, GVL has manifested its role as an indispensable partner over the last few years.