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What are Radio/TV-extra formats? Which budgets belong to them?

What are Radio/TV-extra formats? Which budgets belong to them?

The term "Radio/TV-extra formats" includes small GVL sub-budgets. These include, according to the GVL distribution plans:

  • Radio jingles
  • Radio advertising
  • Music in radio plays
  • Television docusoaps
  • Individual television contributions (such as live music performance, live comedy performance, fictional scenes, cartoon scenes in non-fictional formats e.g. "Aktenzeichen XY", children's programmes, shows)
  • TV jingles (station promos)
  • Television advertising
  • Documentary cinema films on television (cinema productions that have also been broadcast on television)
  • Television documentary productions (produced for television)
  • Title and background music (for all the above, except for documentary productions)