Why are my recordings affected by a conflict?

Why are my recordings affected by a conflict?

Conflicts arise when two producers submit identical or similar rights ownerships for a recording and the two overlap. Titles that are involved in a conflict are marked by a specific icon in label.gvl.

During conflict identification, recordings with an identical ISRC or with the same combination of artist, title, title supplement and duration are identified as conflicts, provided that the features of these reported rights ownerships in these recordings overlap.

The following overlaps of rights ownerships are possible:

  • Period: Start and/or end date of the rights ownership of a recording
  • Share: submitted shares in a rights ownership for a recording add up to more than 100% (e.g. 60% plus 50% or two times 100%)
  • Region: submitted regions or countries of two rights ownerships of a recording overlap (e.g. Germany and GSA or Germany and worldwide)