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Our mission statement


As our members' trustees, we feel committed to apply utmost diligence and efficiency. It is our goal to have low costs in order to be able to forward each individual the highest remuneration level. 

Accountability to us means doing much more than just manage finances. In social debates, we lobby for a fair remuneration to be paid to our members for their performance.

We promote and protect cultural diversity. Up to five percent of our annual distribution volume is made available for cultural promotion and social grants. Special emphasis is extended to the promotion of young artistic talent and to securing our members' livelihoods.


For 60 years, we have been using our knowledge and experience for the benefit of our members. It is our intention to continue being experts for neighbouring rights' management.

We are a competent point of contact and advisers for members, rights users and stakeholders from society and politics. As such, we always adhere to the concept of quality.

As one of the biggest collective management organisations for neighbouring rights in the world we are entitled to enable sustainable business models via licensing and to contribute actively to the ever-changing types of media exploitation.


Our daily operations are aimed at obtaining recognition for the creative activities of artists, producers and event organisers. 

We consider ourselves to be service providers and dialogue partners for our members as well as our customers. We would like to provide you with a range of accessible and tailored services. Friendliness and helpfulness are natural ingredients to our services and the experience and passion of our staff make all the difference.

We are proud to have the honour of representing art with all its facets and genres. We want our members' performance to achieve greater rewards on a global scale. In particular, we will continue to press ahead by cooperating with foreign collective management organisations.