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2021 distribution schedule

This year, some significant and central distributions for performers producers and event organisers are scheduled. You can gleam which payouts happen during which semester in this overview.

The dates are continuously updated. We inform you on of all news regarding the GVL distributions.


Performer distributions

1st semester 2021:

  • Open budgets 2010-2014
  • Supplementary distributions including ZPÜ, 2010-2014

2nd semester 2021:

  • 2017-2019 subsequent distributions
  • 2020 initial distribution
  • 2015-2016 final distribution
  • Open budgets 2015-2016 (Attention: For the open budgets in those years, the registration deadline ends on 30/04/2021!) Additional details on this can be accessed here). 


Producer distributions

1st semester 2021:

  • Event organisers: 2019 initial distribution, 2015-2018 subsequent distributions, 2013-2014 final distribution – already paid out
  • Music video clips 2016-2017 subsequent distributions
  • Sound recordings 2017-2019 subsequent distributions
  • Music video clips 2016-2017 final distributions
  • ZPÜ supplementary distribution (remainder of outstanding years prior to 2015)

2nd semester 2021:

  • Music video clips 2018-2019 subsequent distributions; music video clips 2020 initial distribution
  • Sound recordings 2017-2019 subsequent distributions
  • Sound recordings 2020 initial distribution
  • Sound recordings 2017 final distribution


Parallel to the regular distribution, GVL forwards the monies from abroad to its rights holders several times per year. 


GVL distribution cycles

Why does GVL distribute several years at once? When will there be a final distribution for the distribution years? How long does a distribution cycle take? 

In order to provide a clearer picture, we explain the regular process of our distribution in this visualisation, based on the example of the 2021 distribution year (in german).

GVL_Verteilungsplanung 2021