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Democracy and diversity need our voices!

Call for the European elections on 9 June 2024

The European elections are in a fortnight' time. At a time when fundamental democratic values in Germany and Europe are coming under increasing pressure, it is more important than ever to send out a strong signal against hatred and populism. Art and music can only be free in democratic societies. Just as creativity cannot exist without a plurality of voices, our society also thrives on diversity and the harmony of different lifestyles and cultures.
That is why we at GVL see it as our duty to protect these democratic values and to take a clear stance in favour of a diverse and tolerant Europe. It is important to us to oppose populism and extremism and to stand up for our cultural diversity and democratic achievements. With this in mind, we encourage all our authorised persons and employees to exercise their right to vote and cast their vote for an open and diverse Europe.

