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gvl artsys film music online

With immediate effect, members can register their contributions to music productions in films and series. To this end, we developed an entirely new portal gvl artsys film music.

During the portal's development stage, we focussed particularly on the clear arrangement and intuitivehandling/usability. Here are the most important new functions in a nutshell:

  • Intuitive search: We improved the search function for productions.
  • Memory function: You can now store productions you found via the search function on a memo list for an indefinite period.
  • Registration process: We simplified the way you register contributions in the film music area. Similar contributions to music used in any number of productions can be registered all at once.

The new portal can also be accessed from tablets via menu item "film music" and "database search" in the usual ARTSYS.GVL.  Any questions you may have on gvl artsys film music are directly answered under menu item "Questions". The ARTSYS.GVL support team is happy to help you with any further queries you may have.