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GVL confirms record collections of EUR 271m in 2016

In the course of this year’s Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly, GVL has announced record figures for its 2016 collections. In the reporting period, the organisation collected more than EUR 271m on behalf of its members.


Die Gesellschafter- und Delegiertenversammlung der GVL tagt am 21.06.2017 in ihrer ersten Sitzung zusammen mit den Geschäftsführern der GVL (Foto: Mara von Kummer).
GVL's Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly holds its first meeting on 21/06/2017 together with the Managing Directors (Photo: Mara von Kummer).


  • 2016 financial results: GVL yields EUR 271m in collections for neighbouring rights on behalf of artists, producers, music video clip producers and event organisers
  • Revenue growth of more than 67% compared to the previous year (2015)
  • Rights holders benefit from the private copying levy on devices (mobile phones and tablets) for the first time
  • Detlev Tiemann is the new Chairman of the Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly
  • Distribution plans 2016 finalised and passed