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GVL forwards international funds

Forwarding of international royalties to artists and producers.

As announced, the GVL forwards royalties from abroad to its rights holders this quarter.

In this distribution round, royalties will be paid out from France, the Netherlands, Austria and Great Britain, among others. In total, the GVL will pay more than 4 million Euros to its artists and producers. The basis for this payout is the repertoire and participation reports on the GVL's online portals.

The recently concluded representation agreement for audiovisual productions with the Swiss SWISSPERFORM also leads to distributions to actors and dubbing actors for the first time.

Linien Orange


Did you know? 
Unlike many of its sister societies, GVL passes on full royalties to entitled parties without deducting any costs.
If you would like to transfer foreign mandates to the GVL, please contact our service team.

Linien Orange


In order to be able to forward royalties reliably, we ask our rights holders to check their master data regularly and update it if necessary:

  • Artists can find their personal data in the my.gvl portal under "my Account"/ "Financial data".
  • Producers can find their company data on the label.gvl portal under "Master data".