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GVL in four minutes - new explainer video online

Why does a collective management organisation such as GVL exist? What type of rights does it manage, and for whom? And how do performing artists, producers, event organisers and video clip producers benefit from GVL? GVL's new explainer video answers these and other questions - promptly and comprehensibly.

As of now, GVL shines a light into the complex subject of a collective management organisation by means of a new, animated video. “When we created the explainer video, we took those questions on board that interested parties and members kept asking us: For example, how GVL differs from other collective management organisations, say Guido Evers and Tilo Gerlach, the Managing Directors of GVL. Other questions such as how to enter into a rights administration agreement with GVL and which factors influence the payment levels our members receive, are answered by the video in a short and concise manner.  

The film was produced by the Berlin agency Allnightsreserved.

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