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GVL grows total income by 8.5% to EUR 163.4m in 2014

GVL can look back on a successful financial year 2014: Total returns for 2014 amount to EUR 163.4m and are thus EUR 12.9m higher than in the previous year (+ 8.5%).

"We are extremely pleased with the continued positive income trend on behalf of our members. This re-flects the high value of creative performances to which our artists, producers and event organisers contrib-ute", state Guido Evers and Tilo Gerlach. The two Managing Directors of GVL add: "It is with even greater pleasure that we can also present a cost rate prior to write-offs of 6.8% which reflects our emphasis on managing our members' rights as efficiently as possible." The cost rate in the previous year was 7.1%. For the social and cultural promotion of its members as well as for the support of politico-cultural projects, GVL allocated grants amounting to EUR 3.4m in its financial year 2014 (previous year: EUR 3.6m).