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GVL mourns former Board member and long-term member Martin Böttcher

Our former GVL Board member, Martin Böttcher, died on 19 April 2019 at the age of 91.

“The death of Martin Böttcher affected us profoundly. Martin Böttcher has not only left behind everlasting marks in music history as a composer and musician, he had also participated at the GVL Board with passion over many years,” says Dr. Tilo Gerlach, Managing Director of GVL.

Martin Böttcher had been a member of GVL since 1961. Between 1983 and 1999, he represented the interests of the conductors’ group at the GVL Board (today: Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly). Against the background of his comprehensive musical work, he also supported other rights holders’ groups, for example for studio musicians. Tilo Gerlach also recollects: “Martin Böttcher was a wonderful, tactful person who was very active on behalf of other musicians despite his own success. Our thoughts are now with his family.”

Martin Böttcher mit GVL-Geschäftsführer Dr. Tilo Gerlach 2004 beim Empfang anlässlich des Umzugs der GVL nach Berlin / Foto: Karen Massine für GVL
Martin Böttcher together with GVL Managing Director Dr. Tilo Gerlach at a reception on the occasion of the GVL move to Berlin in 2004. / Photo: Karen Massine for GVL