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GVL pays out remuneration to producers and artists

GVL has started the process of transferring payments to artists for distribution year 2014, and the subsequent payments for distribution years 2010 - 2013 in mid-December.

The total amount of EUR 60.9m arising from financial year 2014 is available to artists; Starting in December 2015, a part of that amount is being paid out to our members. Other payments include the subsequent distributions for distribution years 2010-2013 (distribution 2010-2013). These equal a total amount of EUR 27.6m. This has led to increases in remuneration amounts for the years 2010-2012 as well as a slight reduction of the remuneration amount for 2013, when compared to the distribution in December 2014. The reason for these changes is the exact per-year allocation of the interest earned to the relevant distribution years.

At the beginning of December, the payout of the remuneration for producers of sound recordings had already taken place. These amounted to EUR 52.9m plus EUR 0.5m interest for distribution year 2014. During August 2015, payouts to producers of music video clips were made amounting to EUR 2.7.m The total amount paid out to producers was thus EUR 56.1m.
Specified GVL broadcast minutes results are available at trisys.gvl, GVL's online system for producers of sound recordings. Users can download them either as zipped up pdf or xls files. If a registration has not been made yet, the portal provides the option to do so.

Basis for a distribution to artists and producers is the usage of music productions and film and TV productions on the radio and TV. GVL has processed and analysed more than 34m broadcast minutes for distribution year 2014.