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Launch of the performer distribution: Subsequent distribution 2013-2017, initial distribution 2018

Today, GVL launched the payouts of the remuneration in the course of its initial distribution 2018 (except music video clips) and the subsequent distributions 2013 to 2017.

Please note: For the years 2013 and 2014, this constitutes another subsequent distribution. The final, or closing distribution for these years shall take place, as announced, in 2020.

In the case of the revenues of the first and subsequent distributions the amounts in question are always sub-totals. The final remuneration for the relevant distribution year will always be calculated in the course of the closing distribution once the registration phase has lapsed. Against this background, it is possible that there will be offsets in the subsequent distributions.

Should you have questions, our support team is happy to help at or +49 30 48483-677.


Notes on the data situation

We carried out an extensive cleanup of duplicates since the last performer distribution in order to facilitate the registration of your contributions via our performer portal even more. 

It is possible that, as a result of such mass data processing events, there may be incorrect links regarding music productions in individual cases. They will be corrected in the next subsequent distributions. Should any inconsistencies stand out to you, please mention this, indicating the relevant production number, to