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Music video clip for the "Spielstättenprogrammpreis Rock, Pop, Jazz 2014" [prize for venues organising rock, pop, jazz events]

The German "Initiative Musik" released a video at the occasion of the awards ceremony of the "Spielstättenprogrammpreis". The prize was awarded to 58 clubs and events series by cultural secretary Monika Grütters. GVL is among the prize's sponsors. You can watch the music video clip on the website of the "Initiative Musik":

The "Spielstättenprogrammpreis Rock, Pop, Jazz 2014" is a project by the "Initiative Musik". It was awarded for the second time. The prize allocated to the awards shall support the award winners with their live music programmes and improve the conditions for the artists during their performances. This year, a total of EUR 900,000 was awarded to the winners. Just like in the previous year, the prizes were awarded at the occasion of the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg.

The "Initiative Musik" is an institution of the Federal Government for the development and promotion of the music industry in Germany.  Together with the German Music Council, GVL is an associate to the "Initiative Musik".