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Oliver Ewy new member of the Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates

Since September 2020, Oliver Ewy has been a new member of the Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates of GVL. He takes over the seat of Thomas Schmuckert, who resigned as delegate of the actors in August.

Dr. Tilo Gerlach and Guido Evers, Managing Directors of GVL: "We are pleased to welcome Oliver Ewy to our core committee, the GuDV [Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates]. We have already significantly expanded the dialogue with the actors and actresses in the past months.

In addition to this, however, the elected delegate is always needed to bring the needs of the rights holders to the GVL committees. We are therefore very much looking forward to working with Mr. Ewy." Oliver Ewy has already been elected as substitute delegate of the actors of GVL at the Assembly of Rights Holders in May 2017.

At the farewell of Thomas Schmuckert, Gerlach and Evers emphasized: "We would like to thank Thomas Schmuckert for his dedicated, passionate and often very persistent work in the interest of the actors among the rights holders. In particular, he has intensively accompanied the conversion of the distribution system since 2010 and has literally done pioneering work in this area."