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Producers: Successful start of the 2019 initial distribution 2019 and subsequent distributions for 2016 to 2018 (sound recordings)

As planned, GVL has started the distribution to producers for sound recordings (initial distribution for 2019, subsequent distributions for 2016-2018).

Due to additional subsequent notifications and further allocation of broadcast reports, also by way of the claims for open usages which many producers have submitted, we were able to continue to increase the distribution quotas of the years 2016 to 2018 and for the years 2016 and 2017 to more than 90%.

Furthermore, we achieved an overall distribution quota of 81 percent for usage year 2019, not least due to a significant share of better-quality broadcast data based on fingerprinting.

In total, we managed to allocate about EUR 80 million in revenues across the four years in question.