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Registration deadline for the final distribution 2013 ends on 15.08.2018

For the 2013 usage year, we have planned the final distribution for December 2018.

The corresponding registration deadline to report your participations in productions that were used / broadcast in 2013 will end on 15.8.2018. For all contributions received so far we can guarantee the consideration for the final distribution 2013. Later contributions can only be taken into account for the years since 2014. Please check in a timely manner, whether you have submitted all your participations for the final distribution 2013.

All background information on current distributions and answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found on our homepage

If you have any questions about reporting on co-operation and, of course, for distribution, our employees from the entitled service will answer you by phone at +49 30 48483-677 or by e-mail at