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Relaunch of the producer portal label.gvl

Our producer portal label.gvl has gone online in the last few days, with a new look and with numerous extended functions.

With those new functions, GVL offers its producers of sound recordings and audiovisual recordings numerous new self-service functions, particularly in the area of repertoire management via label.gvl. Labels can now edit all their reported rights ownership details without much effort and at any time and have thus full control over their repertoire. This facilitates conflict resolution and supports the dynamics of the licensing market. Furthermore, entitled rights holders can now conveniently search, export, and claim the open usages available to GVL.

The features on label.gvl will be supplemented by additional functions in the coming weeks. In addition to considerable performance improvements, the relaunch also focused on optimising usability. The relaunch of label.gvl is part of the continuous improvement and expansion of GVL’s portals.