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Together for social diversity

The German Music Council, GEMA and GVL are actively positioning themselves against the right and are jointly speaking out in favour of a diverse society.

We are observing with concern the strengthening of right-wing extremist forces in Germany and the inhuman expulsion plans of racist groups. The conference in Potsdam uncovered by the non-profit research centre Correctiv, at which the expulsion of millions of people from Germany was discussed, is a further transgression that is absolutely shocking and must not go unchallenged (to the Correctiv report).

The plans under discussion are directed against the existence of people in our country and represent an attack on the Basic Law.

We are in favour of an open society and condemn all forms of hatred and group-based misanthropy. For us, social diversity - not only in artistic and musical terms - is an enormous enrichment for all people in Germany, Europe and the world, which must be protected with all our strength.

With a view to our members, rights holders and employees, who have their roots all over the world, we speak out against racism and marginalisation.