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GVL 2022
Facts, Figures and more


GVL expands its international cooperation

New agreements with foreign collective management organisations: GVL concluded as much as three new international representation agreements with sister organisations in 2022.

GVL offers its rights holders to represent their neighbouring rights worldwide. Performers and producers are also entitled to receive remuneration for secondary use from outside of Germany. To this end, GVL has now concluded international representation agreements with more than 60 sister organisations in other countries. We are always interested to push this global exchange on behalf of our rights holderse forward and have, in this context, entered into three new agreement last year.

GVL now also represents producers in Ireland

Apart from the existing agreement with RAAP (Recorded Artists Actors Performers) in Ireland for our performing artists, we now have extended our rights portfolio in Ireland to producers and signed an agreement with PPI (Phonographic Performance Ireland Ltd.).

Representation agreements with France and Argentina

Furthermore, GVL has also expanded its rights management for actors abroad by two additional countries and concluded agreements with ADAMI in France and SAGAI in Argentina for a mutual exchange of remuneration.

Income from international representation agreements are passed on to GVL directly and without any deductions to the rights holders. Rights holders must grant GVL the mandate to manage their international rights to benefit from this service. This way, GVL can establish the entitlements for the productions usage abroad and pass on the remuneration collected for them to its rights holders.

If you like that we look after your international affairs, please provide us with an international mandate in just a few steps:

Annual comparison of international revenues