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Annual Report


GVL supports Recorded Music Summer School

The further education programme for employees in the recorded music sector, among others, curated and tailored by experts, took place between 16 and 21 September 2021 in the run-up to the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg.

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Together with the federal associations of the industry, the Interessengemeinschaft Hamburger Musikwirtschaft [Hamburg Music] (IHM) is organising the further education programme Music Business Summer School in three parallel seminar sections: Recorded music, music publishing and live entertainment. The six-day programme is put together by experts from these categories.

The programme is aimed at staff of all music business partial sectors, media, culture and music management students with work experience and self-employed creatives with close professional ties to the music business.

The Recorded Music Summer School is supported by the Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH (GVL), together with the Bundesverband Musikindustrie [Federal Association of the Music Industry] (BVMI), and the Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer*innen e.V. [Association of Independent Musicians and Music Companies] (VUT) since 2021. Juliane Fiedler, Manager of the Communications Department, is the GVL representative in the Board of the programme.

As GVL, we are a part of the complex value chain in the music business. We represent more than 13,000 producers of sound recordings with tens of thousands of labels and more than 150,000 performers when it comes to the exploitation of their neighbouring rights. I know from my cooperation with our rights holders that solid and particularly practice-oriented know-how across the various partial sectors in the music business for creatives and their partners is worth its weight in gold. That is why I am really pleased that I am involved in the conceptual design of the seminar since this year now that I have joined the Board of the Recorded Music Summer School.
Juliane Fiedler
Head of Communications at GVL