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Looking back on the 2022 distribution year: GVL distributions to its rights holders higher than ever

Berlin, 18 January 2023 GVL draws a first positive conclusion for 2022 and presents a distribution result of EUR 240m to more than 175,000 performers and producers.


GVL Geschäftsführung
Dr. Tilo Gerlach & Guido Evers, GVL general management 

Despite another challenging year for the sector, GVL managed to distribute a total of EUR 240.9m to creatives and their partners in 2022. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, GVL has thus paid out approx. EUR 870m to its rights holders (2020: EUR 292m, 2021: EUR 337m).

“More than 175,000 performers and producers from Germany and all over the world received payments from GVL, in 2022 alone”, so the summary of GVL Managing Directors Guido Evers and Dr. Tilo Gerlach. “The number of distributions to participating rights owners compared to the previous year subsequently increased. Especially in such challenging times, GVL is an important and reliable income source for performers and labels.”

On top of its 13 regular distributions, GVL also passed on international money to its rights holders on a quarterly basis, a total of more than EUR 9.8m. Remuneration from abroad continues to stay at a high level due to an ongoing improvement of international exchange processes, for example.

In 2022, we saw the last year with a double final distribution for performers which means that from 2023 GVL is running its distributions completely in the cycle provided by the law. “The backlog in the course of the distribution system migration has now been completely dissolved. We are pleased that we can now focus even more on optimising our services”, explains Tilo Gerlach, Managing Director for the section of the performing artists within GVL.

“In 2023, we want to pick up exactly where we left off in 2022”, adds Guido Evers with a view to the coming year.  “Besides continuing to develop our services further, our priority is to provide our rights holders with a safer planning environment and to strengthen our revenue situation sustainably.”

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Juliane Fiedler
Head of communications