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Prof. Birgit Schmieder

Delegate of the category Instrumental soloists and featured performers (classical music)

birgit schmieder-gvl-profilbild

Professional focus

Instrumental soloist

Member of the GuDV / in the Board since


Why did you become a GVL Delegate?

Instrumental soloists and featured performers in the classical sector must look after their registration and administration of claims individually. I am a Delegate at GVL in order to represent their interests.

As a representative of your category, what do you support in particular?

  • For a fair recognition of the group in the distribution
  • A timely payout of remuneration
  • Further improvements of the user friendliness at “meine gvl”
  • Consideration of the group when ti comes to individual benefits

Why is GVL an important organisation in the music and film business?

It is the organisation that manages the neighbouring rights for its rights holders in Germany, Europe and all over the world. It is a mediator between the interests of the producer and performer side.