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Public performance

Use music in public

Public performance is known to many Germans as the so-called "Kneipenrecht".

It covers the right to play commercially published sound recordings and music videos clips in public places, e.g. restaurants, hotels, discotheques, at the hairdresser's, in shopping centres, at public events or – as the name suggests – in a pub. In accordance with the statutory right to receive remuneration, GVL collects fees on behalf of its members and issues licences for the exploitation to the rights users.

The licensing and collection process for public performance is managed by GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte e.V., German Performing Right Society for Authors and Publishers) on behalf of GVL. If you are a rights user, please contact your local GEMA regional office.

Music usage: Termination of two tariffs for public performance

Termination of the tariffs for public performance of radio broadcasts and in-store radio (Tariff R) and for public performance in fitness and health courses (Tariff WR-KS-F).

Both tariffs were terminated vis-à-vis the Federal Association of Music Broadcasters (BVMV) on 31 December 2022. The GVL will have the tariffs reviewed in arbitration proceedings. Without recognising the previous tariff level and in the interest of mutual planning security, the interim, i.e. temporary, continued application of the current tariffs was agreed with the Federal Association of Music Promoters until a legally binding decision is reached. The agreement to exclude the retroactive effect of tariffs set in the future also works in favour of users outside BVMV. The new tariffs set in the future will take effect for all users from the date of the final decision.


Tariff information