Why aren't Radio/TV extra formats called "open budgets" anymore?

Why aren't Radio/TV extra formats called "open budgets" anymore?

In 2021, the GVL distributed funds for the first time for productions that fell into the pool of budgets that had not yet been remunerated and were still "open" until then.

In the interest of a timely release of provisions in favor of the beneficiaries, the committees of the GVL decided, in coordination with the DPMA, to fully distribute the remunerations of the still "open" budgets in a simplified procedure.

They belong to the small sub-budgets, which account for less than 3 percent of the total GVL distribution volume for artists per year of use. These are radio and TV extra formats for which we cannot provide usage reports from the TV and radio stations. Your contribution must be submitted to us by a deadline via an online form.  The distribution amounts are primarily derived from private copying fees and are paid together with the respective final distribution of the year. Since the budget is thus no longer open, corresponding productions are now considered as Radio/TV extra formats.