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Our members

Our members

We are proud of you, our members. Every day you accomplish something that's new, artistic and creative – and we proudly support you. Who else can claim that they collaborate with over 160,000 performers and over 14,000 producers of sound recordings all over the world?



We're passionate about such a wide range of artistic groups. That's what makes our mission so exciting. Day in, day out.
  • Conductors
  • Soloists
  • Band musicians
  • Orchestra performers
  • Studio musicians
  • Artistic producers
  • Speakers and narrators
  • Video clip directors
  • Video clip producers
  • Solo and choir singers
  • Actors
  • Stunt people and stunt players
  • Dubbing actors
  • Voice actors
  • Dancers
  • Record manufacturers
  • Labels
  • Organizers
  • Word and dubbing directors

Art knows no borders

If you are a performer, a label, an event organiser and/or a music video clip producer, and have acquired neighbouring rights in the course of your artistic activities as set out in Art. 73 German Copyright Act, you are eligible for rights administration. It doesn't matter what nationality you are – art knows no boundaries.

Delegates and Associates

GVL beneficiaries have the opportunity to elect their delegates at the Rights Holders' Assembly, which takes place every four years. They steer the GVL together with the associates in the Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly.

Report contributions

In order to receive remuneration, labels must report their repertoire and performers their performances. You can do this after concluding the performance contract in our portals.

Performer and no performance contract yet?

Label and no performance contract yet?
