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GVL accepts new agreements for its final distribution 2013 up until 31 May 2018

This is the last opportunity for artists who wish to participate in the final distribution for the year 2013 but aren't registered with GVL yet: Up until 31 May 2018 (the date of the postmark shall apply), rights administration agreements will be accepted by GVL for this year.

Artists holding the relevant rights may enter into a rights administration agreement with GVL online. Provided that GVL has received a complete set of all documents prior to 31 May 2018 (the date of the postmark shall apply), the conclusion of the agreement can be backdated to 2013. Furthermore, there is no admission fee.
Agreements which reach GVL after 31 May 2018 (the date of the postmark shall apply), can only be concluded with effect for distributions from 2014 onwards. Remuneration paid out in the course of the final distribution for 2013 cannot be passed on to artists in such cases. GVL also expressly points out that remuneration put on hold for distribution will expire once the registration deadline has lapsed.

In order to receive remuneration for the use of their recordings, artists must select their productions via GVL's online portal  and complement the entries with their contributions. The following shall apply: Artists who wish to receive pay-outs for the year 2013 must submit their registration before 15 August 2018 via the portal. Access details for our online portal will be dispatched to artists upon the conclusion of their rights administration agreements. The prerequisite for participation in the final distribution is that the productions to which artists have contributed have been broadcast via radio or TV in the year 2013 and that the latter have been analysed as per the distribution regulations.

In 2018, GVL is planning to run its final distribution for the distribution year 2013 - distribution ‘pots’ with high reserves are thus ultimately going to be dissolved and paid out to the entitled artists.