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GVL supports international Human Artistry Campaign

GVL has been supporting the cross-industry alliance since September and is thus committed to the regulation of AI-generated music.

Art has always characterised the identity, values and world view of our society. Creativity is the ability to mould ideas, create art and solve problems. Through music, text, film or any other form of creativity, we humans express ourselves and shape the world around us. This is what makes our lives profound, multifaceted and unique. That is why it is important that the work of creative professions is recognised and protected.

The Human Artistry Campaign campaigns for the regulation of AI-generated music and focuses on the irreplaceable contribution of humans to the creative process. Over 150 organisations from more than 30 countries have signed up to the seven principles of the Human Artistry Campaign. Supporters of this campaign include our associates BVMI and VUT - and from now on also GVL.

More information: https://www.humanartistrycampaign.com/