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NEW: GEMA, GVL, VG Bild-Kunst and VG Wort intensify their dialogue with politicians regarding the implementation of the EU Directive

Under the headline "Creativity's value", GEMA, GVL, VG Bild-Kunst and VG Wort discussed the imminent amendment to the German copyright administration right with artists, producers of sound recordings, authors and politicians on 5 November in the German Cinematheque at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin.

The patron of the event, member of the German Bundestag, Christian Flisek (SPD), stressed in his opening speech that German collective management organisations are active in a well grown, well tried and well functioning legal system. "National regulations which are above the provisions of the Directive remain applicable, but a stricter German law must not lead to any competitive disadvantages. We must acknowledge this and proceed with sound judgement."

Following his introduction, members of the Bundestag Christian Flisek (SPD), Ansgar Heveling (CDU), Renate Künast (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) and Halina Wawzyniak (Fraktion DIE LINKE) represented their political parties' positions on copyright and the imminent implementation of the Directive during three discussions on the subjects "European harmonisation of the administration right", "cross-border music licensing" and "the importance of private copying".