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Oliver Ewy takes over from Claudia Michelsen in the Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates

After Claudia Michelsen stepped down as a delegate in December, Oliver Ewy will join the Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates GVL.

Oliver Ewy thus takes over the seat as a delegate for the actors. Due to her professional commitments, Claudia Michelsen had to give up her seat in December: “Unfortunately, my professional life does not let me dedicate the time required to fulfil my duties in the GVL committees”, she explains. “As a delegate, I could find out about the complexity behind supposedly simple topics. At the same time, I met a very committed GVL team. I am very pleased that Oliver Ewy, who is an actor with GVL committee experience, takes over my position and tasks.”

Oliver Ewy had already been active in the GuDV as a representative of actors since 2020. At the Assembly of Rights Holders in June 2021, he was elected as an alternate delegate. It is from this position that he now succeeds.

Oliver Ewy: “I am pleased to be at the disposal of GVL as a delegate again and am going to continue the task of Claudia Michelsen. I am looking forward to delve back into the committee work and to drive the interests of the actors within GVL.”

You can find an overview of all delegates at our homepage.

Oliver Ewy
Oliver Ewy