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Online support in real time: The label.gvl chat

The webchat function on our producer portal label.gvl went online in September 2022. Lothar Münner and Patrick Gross, members of the GVL label support team give insights about how the new channel came into being and what kind of questions they get asked on it.
Lothar Münner Patrick Gross GVL Webchat für Tonträgerhersteller
Behind the “scenes” of the chat are the team members of the GVL label support, among them Lothar Münner and Patrick Gross.


Why has the webchat been launched at label.gvl?

Lothar: We asked ourselves how we could reach people even better, or rather the other way round. Labels have always been able to get in touch with us by phone or email. It has only been important to us that we further expand our availability and, in particular, create a low entry level support mode for labels to contact us when it comes to using our label portal. Our webchat is ideal for this purpose. You can ask questions in a quick and direct manner and get a reply - in exactly the same manner. 

Do the questions differ from those over the phone or by mail? 

Patrick: In the webchat, we usually get quick-fire questions which spring to our users’ minds spontaneously when they are using label.gvl. And that is exactly what this channel is for. In 95% of the cases, the questions are simple such as “where do I get an ISRC?” or “where do I find my conflicts” or “when is the next distribution?”.

Lothar: We also find out that the chat means that we get to talk to people with whom we had no personal contact in the past. Here is an example: we get more queries of rights holders from abroad, as it is likely they might not want to grab the phone due to the language barrier. Even though we do offer all our services both in German and English

Who is actually “behind” the chat?

Patrick: Behind the “scenes” of the chat is the GVL label support team to which we also belong. We know the questions and requirements of our labels better than any chatbot. That is why our webchat is only open during our service hours.

People writing to us see the name of the person they are talking to. This also creates a personal level which we appreciate, just like the label representatives do.

What is your lowdown after six months of webchat on label.gvl?

Lothar: We are happy that the chat has been well received as a contemporary communication format. Labels appreciate it if they can get quick answers to their questions in a short space of time without much effort.

What’s next?

Patrick: For 2023, we are planning a digital one-to-one consulting format in addition to our existing support channels, where we offer record producer staff individual crash courses on how to use the producer portal label.gvl and answer individual questions.

Juliane Fiedler held the interview.

Lothar Münner

Lothar Münner GVL Profilbild

 Lothar Münner  has been with GVL since 2010 and consults producers who wish to register their productions via label.gvl.  Prior to joining GVL, Bremen-born Lothar Münner passed his education as music management and media marketing expert and worked as a journalist, lecturer and freelancer for international music festivals in Berlin. In his free time, Lothar also plays an instrument - he is a bass player in two bands.

Patrick Gross


Patrick Gross has been working for GVL since 2019 and member of the team Producer Agreements & Label Support. In his role, he works as an expert for all questions on accounting-related claims but also when it comes to any other queries submitted by producers. Before he became a GVL employee, the music business admin specialist worked as a freelance musician, music journalist and concert promoter.