Performers: Final distribution 2019 started
With this final distribution, GVL is finalising the distribution for the 2019 usage year. All monies including distributions that are available to us for this year will be paid out. This also includes the remuneration for Radio/TV -extra formats 2019 (former "open budgets") such as jingles or advertising.
A total of around EUR 23.2 million is currently being paid out in the final distribution for 2019. A total of 164,340 performing artists took part in the distributions for 2019. These are all rights holders who reported their contributions to utilised productions on time.
For the first time, GVL pays out final distributions in the regular distribution rhythm. This means that only one final distribution year will be paid out to the rights holders within the scope of this distribution. In previous years, two final distribution years were distributed in each case.
In addition, the payout rates for subsequent distributions are now significantly higher than in previous years because less money has to be withheld until the final distribution (see chart).
Sandy Backhaus, Head of the Rights Holders Service for Performers, adds:
"With this final distribution for just one distribution year, we have achieved one of our most important goals. In addition, our rights holders now receive their remuneration for a distribution year much faster, namely in the subsequent distributions. This means that final distributions have become more of a formal conclusion to the entire distribution cycle."