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Annual Report


Revenue structure

As expected, collections in the public performance sector collapsed due to COVID-19-induced closures of clubs, restaurants, hotels and many other places by nearly 40%. Broadcast remuneration paid by private radio and TV channels also declined. This decrease could, however, be offset by a growth in income from the private copying remuneration (reproduction).

GVL generated its highest revenues in the reproduction sector: During the lockdown, sales figures of computers increased massively. Reproduction rights collections led to income of €92.1m compared to €72.6m in the previous year (+26.9%).

In terms of broadcast remuneration, GVL yielded €86.3m compared to €88.4m in the previous year. The overall result for broadcasting remuneration dropped by 2.4%. The decrease is due to the decline in advertising revenues of private channels because of COVID-19.

Public performance collections dropped by €15.8m to €26.5m. Due to COVID-19 related closures of clubs, restaurants, hotels and many other places, the income situation for public performance clearly deteriorated by 37.4%.

In all other sectors, GVL’s income situation remained stable overall and lies within expectations.

Annual comparison of the revenue structure

Reproduction 92.110*
Broadcast remuneration 86.259
Public performance 26.517
Foreign CMOs/MLCs 5.254
Other income and intrests 2.399
Rental and lending 1.847
Cable re-transmission 1.753
*All numbers in million Euros.
Reproduction 72.608*
Broadcast remuneration 88.361
Public performance 42.332
Foreign CMOs/MLCs 5.643
Other income and intrests 2.531
Rental and lending 1.777
Cable re-transmission 2.199
*All numbers in million Euros.