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Annual Report


Scholarship recipients and their projects

5,500 freelance performers had received a scholarships from GVL in the course of Neustart Kultur in order to implement an artistic project in 2021. It is always a pleasure to see cultural promotion bearing fruit and supporting performers to drive their own projects.

In order to make their success more tangible, we decided to ask a small group of scholarship recipients to provide us with a statement in the form of a short progress report. We wanted to get an impression of how they experienced the COVID-19 situation as freelance performers and how the GVL scholarship supported them during this time.

Franz Leutert, singer of the band “Deep in Moon”
Franz Leutert, singer of the band “Deep in Moon”
„We produced our debut EP with the GVL grant. That was a privilege in times of the pandemic. We also promoted a music video clip, merchandise goods and PR campaigns and advertising with the scholarship. The application process was transparent and we were overjoyed by the approval of GVL!“

The band “Deep in Moon” with singer Franz Leutert felt that the pandemic put the continuation of their activities as performers and creatives at risk. With the GVL scholarship, the band was able to focus on its artistic work and organise its first supra-regional tour for 2022. The young musicians from Leipzig are especially looking forward to returning to the stage; they are keen to experience live music up close and personal again. All the necessary information on the band and tour dates are on their website: deepinmoon.com

Photo: Jörg Jäkel

Foto-Rodja-Tröscher by Urban Ruths
Rodja Tröscher, actor and filmmaker
Rodja Tröscher, actor and filmmaker
“I would like to thank GVL for their interest in us as film creators and in what we do! Already in the first days of the pandemic, I began shooting comedy short films. Since I observed a high level of insecurity, fear and even hysteria, I wanted to counteract those feelings by making people laugh. In the last year of the pandemic, the GVL scholarship provided me with some space to implement projects better and in a more relaxed manner.”

Rodja Tröscher, actor, author and director, made three comedy short films with the scholarship amount: “Survival Handbook”, “The Kid” and “The Prisoner”. Since his work situation changed due to the pandemic, he decided to move his focus on making films. With the GVL scholarship, he could bridge that time gap and execute his scheduled film projects which he had been financing privately before. He is pleased that the work of creatives is particularly appreciated through the scholarship project and reckons that GVL should be proud with regard to what this support programme actually achieved. His films helped him to global success at numerous film festivals: With his film “The Kid”, he won, among other prizes, the Gold Star Movie Award (Best Comedy Short Film); he was nominated as the best international director at the Austin Micro Film Festival. You can find the short films by Rodja Tröscher on his YouTube channel „Roger and Out“

Photo: Urban Ruths

Markus Kreul by Konstantin Volkmar-e
Markus Kreul, pianist
Markus Kreul, pianist
“Music reaches everyone! That is the message of my podcast which I financed with my GVL scholarship. The power of music is a topic that fascinates me. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this question took on an existential meaning. The interview format provides a new facet of my artistic work, after all music does not just take place in a concert hall. The support I received from GVL helped me prevent this process from being disrupted during the pandemic.”

Markus Kreul, pianist for classical music and music lecturer, talks with experienced and passionate musicians about the meaning and impact of music in his audio and video podcast “The power of music - on tour”. You will get to know selected guests such as opera singer Okka von der Damerau oder the harpsichordist and organist Peter Kofler. In collaboration with the Munich Künstlerhaus, Markus Kreul intends to transfer the interview format into a live format in autumn 2022. You can find all episodes of the podcast which has been supported by GVL either via the usual podcast providers or on diekraftdermusik.com.

Photo: Konstantin Volkmar

Julia Raab, figure player & theatre educator
Julia Raab, figure player & theatre educator
“Thanks to the GVL scholarship, I was intensively building my own theatre figures and puppets and spent a ‘more carefree’ time. I build my own figures, masks and puppets in my workshop. Thanks to the promotion and support scheme, I was able to attend some further education regarding construction technology, in terms of theory and practice. This triggered a few ideas for new projects and productions.”

Julia Raab, figure player and theatre educator, had to cancel many presentations and projects due to COVID-19. The GVL scholarship helped her to bridge the time and simultaneously further develop her knowledge regarding how to build figures and puppets and to experiment in her workshop. You can check out the photo gallery featuring the table figure supported by GVL on her website: juliaraab.de

Photo: Julia Fenske

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Mercedes Lalakakis-Bee, singer and bass player of the band Daily Thompson
Mercedes Lalakakis-Bee, singer and bass player of the band Daily Thompson
“With the GVL scholarship, we produced a video for our new single and used it to promote our new album, too! On top of shooting the video clip, we also implemented our marketing campaign: We promoted the single as well as the album and thus reached a wider audience. The application for the GVL scholarship was really simple, comprehensible and uncomplicated.” 

Live gigs with people dancing and celebrating in front of and on the stage, that’s something that was unfortunately not possible in times of COVID-19. This is something Mercedes Lalakakis-Bee, singer and bass player of the rock band “Daily Thompson” clearly felt. She and her band used the time to be creative and locked themselves into the studio in order to produce a new album. The video supported by GVL for the new single was produced together with the artist Gudrun Kattke and the film maker Daniel Hacker. The result is on the YouTube channel of „Daily Thompson“.

Eberling Portrait1-2
Benjamin Eberling, actor in musicals and dubbing artist
Benjamin Eberling, actor in musicals and dubbing artist
“With the GVL scholarship, I was able to create my own solo programme, and present it on stage! Even if there is nothing more beautiful for me than to enthuse and entertain people and help them elope from everyday life, the crisis really made me very pensive. The promotion and support by GVL gave me back the feeling that I am appreciated and understood.”

Benjamin Eberling, actor in musicals and dubbing artist, knew what it meant to be very flexible in his professional life. Nevertheless, he was not prepared prior to the pandemic what it would be like if suddenly all engagements are cancelled. The support through GVL helped him to kick off and implement own projects. Eberling used the time during the pandemic to create five solo programmes of his own and to successfully present them once it was possible to do so again. Moreover, he participated in further education seminars regarding his dubbing work, his speaking technique, camera acting and singing in order to be even better prepared for his future career. Especially in times of the pandemic, the scholarship gave Benjamin Eberling courage and a sense of appreciation and relevance of his profession.


Background report

The scholarship programme in numbers

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