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GVL publishes annual report 2013: Total returns rise to EUR 150.5m

In its annual business report, GVL can refer to a positive financial development during the last year: The total returns 2013 amount to EUR 150.5m and are thus EUR 3.5m higher than in the previous year (+ 2.4 percentage points).

"We look back on a successful financial year 2013 where we were able to increase our total returns again. The positive news is emphasised by the recently received private copying remuneration for PCs that we had to declare as blocked funds in our annual accounts", report Guido Evers and Dr. Tilo Gerlach, GVL's Managing Directors.

GVL's other income areas are also stable: In the broadcasting sector, income increased slightly and is now at EUR 81.3m (previous year: EUR 80.5m). In the public performance sector, income decreased slightly to EUR 38.6m (previous year: EUR 39.9m). This is due to the fact that the tariff governing the reproduction for public performance had to be adjusted; GVL expects to see an increase in the income from public performance medium-term. It currently campaigns for an equalisation of GEMA and GVL tariffs by means of three model case proceedings. Compared to the previous year, income from rental and lending of commercially published sound recordings and videos in libraries increased and reached EUR 3.7m for 2013 (previous year: EUR 2.9m). A slight decline occurred for income from cable re-transmission of artistic performances which reached EUR 2.0m (previous year: EUR 2.1m). Furthermore, any other income and interest income decreased due to the continuation of low interest levels to EUR 1.8m (previous year: EUR 2.9m).

The cost rate before write-offs lies at 7.1% (previous year: 6.4%) is higher than in the previous year due to the increase in staff numbers (now 133 employees). "The migration of the distribution system for performing artists and the ensuing necessary restructuring of IT systems at GVL to make it ready for competition in the future at international level are the reasons for the increase in staff requirements. Compared to other national and international collective management organisations our cost rate continues to remain low – a result of our effort to work for our members as efficiently as possible", explain Dr. Tilo Gerlach and Guido Evers. For cultural, politico-cultural and social purposes, GVL used EUR 3.6m in 2013 (previous year: EUR 4.0m).

GVL was founded in 1959 and, in its role as a collective management organisation, it now represents more than 140,000 members worldwide with regards to administering their neighbouring rights; among those represented are performing artists, producers of sound recordings, producers of video films and event organisers. The German Orchestra Association (registered association) [DOV] and the Federal Association of the Music Industry (registered association) [BVMI] are equal associates of GVL.