Home News Press & publications Press releases print share Teilen auf LinkedIn Facebook 02.06.2014 GVL modernises its brandingGVL introduced a new logo and corporate design in order to make its successful development and modernisation visible to the outside world.read more 17.02.2014 GVL members elect four new Board representatives392 attendees at the early rights holders' assembly in Berlinread more 27.06.2013 GVL increases balance for 2012 by EUR 18.6m arising from the specification of receivablesAnnual accounts show total income of EUR 146.9mread more 22.03.2013 GVL Board resolves unanimously to allocate grants to 16 cultural projectsHans Reinhard Biere elected to the distribution and tariff committee.read more 22.01.2013 GVL obtains temporary injunction against SonixcastCanadian web radio provider advertises and creates the false impression of holding a licence/ Regional Court Hamburg declares German law to be applicable.read more Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4